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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

List of instructions following the meeting on the development of southern Russia and the Azov area

The Government of the Russian Federation, in cooperation with the executive authorities of the Krasnodar Territory and Russian Railways, has received instructions to submit
proposals on comprehensive development of the transport infrastructure of Russia’s Black Sea coast. The proposals should take into account the possibility
of redirecting part of the cargo traffic from railway and motor transport to inland waterway transport towards the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin.
The instructions
also concern the development and implementation of a comprehensive plan for the development of public transport in the city of Sochi, including through the use
of electric and multimodal transport.
The Government,
together with the executive authorities of the Republic of Adygea, the Donetsk
People’s Republic, the Republic of Crimea, the Lugansk People’s Republic, the Krasnodar Territory, the Zaporozhye, Rostov and Kherson Regions, and the city
of Sevastopol, have been instructed to draft a list of agglomerations and cities in the given constituent entities of the Federation that need master
plans for their development. The construction of residential blocks of flats should
be linked with the development of transport and utilities infrastructure. It is
also necessary to boost the regional urban planning potential until 2030, to think over the development of access motor roads to the Black Sea and Azov Sea
coasts, as well as a ring motor road around the Azov Sea. The President also
instructed to prepare proposals for more active use of commuter passenger
transport, to develop regional integrated plans and standards of transport
services for the population, taking into account the regions’ tourism
In addition, the Government, along with the executive authorities of the Krasnodar Territory, have
been instructed to get ready, starting in 2024, for the construction of a new safe
fast road from the M-4 Don motorway to the city of Sochi, to determine its
optimal route, the financing model and the project’s implementation, taking
into account the possibility of using allocations from the National Welfare
Fund. It is also necessary to develop logistics for the delivery of materials
and building components for the project, and to repair regional roads required
for the project implementation at the expense of the Krasnodar Territory
The Government has
been instructed to consider separating passenger and freight railway traffic
from the regions of the Central Federal District to the ports and resorts of the Azov-Black Sea basin, as well as reducing the travel time of passenger
trains from Moscow to the resorts of the Russian Black Sea coast to 16 hours.
The Government,
together with the executive authorities of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Republic of Crimea, the Krasnodar Territory, the Zaporozhye, Rostov and Kherson
regions, should draft and submit proposals for upgrading the treatment
facilities on the Azov Sea coast to minimise the negative consequences of wastewater discharge.
